Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Years Resolution

I like all people made a resolution and I want to keep with it.
I am going to get in shape and fit.
So I don’t keep getting the awesome pregnancy comments.
I will do this for me, and to help my self esteem.
Last night in ZUMBA we did a fitness test to record what we can do at the
beginning of the semester and then at the end.
We did pushups for one minute and sit ups for one minute.
I could do 17 pushups (girl) and 30 sit-ups.
Then we did the mile.
I did my mile in 11 minutes and like 12 seconds.
 I know I can do better and I will do better.

I am eating better, and exercising more.
It is really hard to get all of this in and work full time (9-6) everyday and then go to class every day after work from 7-10.
No time to exercise, and no time to eat healthy.
That is why I choose to take a class where I did get exercise and I will get my work out and then at home I have a treadmill so the weekends I have that.

Wait for it.
It will happen.
I am pondering of keeping a blog about my journey.
What do you think?